Concord Pulmonology
Dr Tajalli Saghaie
Lung and Sleep Specialist

Dr Saghaie is a consultant Respiratory and Sleep physician at Concord Hospital.

Dr Saghaie is a Respiratory and Sleep Specialist with interest in Interventional Pulmonology, Lung Cancer and Pleural disease.

Dr Saghaie is excited to join the Macquarie Respiratory and Sleep group in May 2014.

Dr Saghaie is a consultant Respiratory and Sleep physician at Concord Hospital.
Dr Saghaie is a respiratory and sleep physician with significant experience in interventional pulmonology, diagnostic and therapeutic bronchoscopy, management of pleural disease, and multidisciplinary care of lung cancer.
Dr Saghaie is a consultant physician at Concord Hospital in Sydney and an associate lecturer of University of Sydney.
Areas of Interest
Lung Cancer
Diagnostic Bronchoscopy
Endobronchial Ultrasound
Therapeutic Bronchoscopy
Pleural Disease
Chest Ultrasound
Airways Disease (COPD, Asthma, Bronchiectasis, ...)
Pulmonary Infections
Sleep Apnoea
Complex Sleep Disorders
Quality care. convenience.